Style Curator Group : Meet the Stylists

Meet the Stylists


D I A N E   M A N C E N E

Diane holds an honors degree in fashion design from Pratt Institute. She has designed for such nationally recognized heavyweights as Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Loft, Macy’s and Talbot’s.  For these companies, she has traveled the world researching and studying trends ... from hand beading in India to luxury fabrics in Italy and everything in between.

As co-founder of Style Curator Group, Diane brings her unerring eye, innate fashion sense combined with a humorous touch to her clients.  Always one to combine high and low, and not caring where the perfect finishing piece comes from, she has many satisfied clients ... well, beyond satisfied, if truth be told ... more like ecstatic.

A N G E L A   H   W A L S H

Upon graduating from Parson’s School of Design, Angela spent her first 2 years as a designer of an exclusive collection in Asia.  In New York, her bona fides include design posts at Nicole Miller, Saks Fifth Avenue and Macy’s.  She is not only a designer, but also a merchandiser who is recognized in the industry as a fit expert.  She has even taught fashion design at both the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising in San Francisco and at Parson’s in New York.

Having traveled to more than 20 countries, Angela has a natural gift for absorbing fashion trends in whatever country she finds herself in and sharing those trends with her clients. They love that she combines serious fashion from Paris, London, New York and Tokyo with a final “that’s it!” moment from exotic locales.  Angela now brings her fashion insights to Style Curator Group as its co-founder.